Why Do We Travel


Many years ago, during my childhood, a large wall map adorned my room, pinned by my parents in hopes of nurturing a fascination with geography within me.


I must acknowledge their success; however, the affection that blossomed within me was not for studying maps but for the art of traveling.


Each time I cast my gaze upon that map, visions of voyaging across distant lands and continents filled my imagination.


Although this passion momentarily receded, it resurfaced later in life when I matured enough to travel solo and ponder over the reasons why people travel the world.


As I awaited my boarding pass at Suvarnabhumi Airport, thoughts of my second backpacking expedition flooded my mind.


Exhausted yet content, the impending flight back home marked the conclusion of my month-long backpacking escapade across Thailand—a journey that unveiled a new world of experiences.


Why Do We Travel


The primary reasons for my extended stay in Thailand included attending a friend’s beach wedding and reconnecting with another friend working as a software engineer in Bangkok before embarking on a hiking adventure in Khao Yai National Park.


Following four weeks of festivities, social interactions, and exploring, I find myself fatigued.


However, if asked whether I would skip this trip given the chance, my unequivocal response would be a resounding “no.”


Every sleepless night, every arduous hour of travel, and every dollar spent was entirely worthwhile.


The joy of traveling—selecting destinations, accommodations, and connecting flights—is a genuine passion for me.


This journey allowed me to tick numerous locations off my bucket list, providing immense enjoyment and culminating in a heartfelt celebration.


While these weren’t my typical travel goals, the experience was nothing short of remarkable. Embrace the reasons behind our love for travel and allow them to ignite your wanderlust.


Taking photos near the Western Wall


7 Powerful Reasons Why People Love to Travel


Travel is a universal pursuit that transcends geographical boundaries, cultural differences, and personal backgrounds, captivating the hearts and minds of people around the world.


From traversing exotic landscapes to immersing oneself in diverse cultures, the allure of exploration and discovery has long been ingrained in the human spirit.


As we unravel the tapestry of reasons why people love to travel, we unveil a mosaic of motivations that inspire individuals to embark on transformative journeys of self-discovery, connection, and wonder.


Invaluable Skills I Developed While Travelling


1. Time Emerges as Your Most Precious Resource


The primary advantage of traversing new paths lies in the opportunity to amass a wealth of experiences.


As you journey further, you come to appreciate the significance of forging new connections and acquiring fresh knowledge.


Travel serves as a profound educator, emphasizing that material wealth does not solely define success; rather, it is the richness of experiences that truly matter.


Recent studies suggest that indulging in novel encounters tends to cultivate enduring happiness more so than material acquisitions.


To thrive, it is vital to allocate resources judiciously, investing less in transient possessions and more in acquiring new expertise. By doing this, you form relationships and cherish moments with loved ones.


By amalgamating these elements, one can ultimately embrace life’s full spectrum of experiences.


2. Savor Every Small Pleasure


During a journey, moments like saving 10 dollars on transportation from Vienna Airport or unexpectedly securing a coveted window seat on a flight stand out as simple yet significant pleasures.


The accumulation of such instances enhances the quality of every voyage, eventually leading to the realization of a truly fulfilling travel experience.


I dedicated two weeks to exploring the vast expanse of Delhi, a chapter that remains etched as one of the most remarkable in my life.


Navigating a sprawling metropolis like Delhi demands time and patience to uncover its myriad attractions.



In such urban labyrinths, the joy lies not just in orientation but in the thrill of knowing your whereabouts and confidently finding your way.


Travel instills in us the art of relishing life’s finest moments and carrying them forward, ensuring they don’t fade into the backdrop of routine.


Conquering travel anxieties and fears becomes imperative to fully appreciate the beauty that surrounds us as we journey across the world.



HK resident


3. Slow Down


Long-term travel offers a unique advantage unlike brief vacations—it allows you to fully engage with local life.


Liberated from the constraints of tour packages, you can explore destinations of your choosing and forge connections with individuals who might otherwise be overlooked in the quest to check items off your bucket list.


It’s common to race through life, constantly caught in the whirlwind of haste.


We hurry to work, opt for fast food to save time, and attempt to blend myriad tasks into a single moment, even during family getaways.


While this pace may evoke a sense of heightened intensity, it doesn’t necessarily cultivate happiness.


It’s crucial to relish the nuances and embrace life at a pace that suits you best.


4. Simplify Matters


During my travels, I naturally adopt a lifestyle that emphasizes using only essentials that fit into my backpack.


The key lies in traveling light, not necessarily embracing a minimalist lifestyle (although I find it appealing), but rather focusing on the essentials.


Over ten years on the road, this approach has enabled me to amass diverse experiences and forge meaningful connections, altering the course of my life significantly.


Investing in experiences rather than possessions is a source of genuine joy for me.


Recall the initial thrill of a new car or phone—does that excitement endure after two weeks?


Typically, we adapt swiftly to new possessions, and the initial thrill dissipates rapidly.


Exploring the world offers something deeper—an enduring sense of satisfaction.


While material possessions hold significance, they remain external to us.


In contrast, experiences remain etched in our memories.


To foster happiness, channel your resources into experiences rather than material goods.


Embracing a less materialistic lifestyle can not only enhance your happiness but also aid in saving for future travels.


5. Avoid Limiting Yourself


Traveling isn’t about indulgence but rather about altering your perspective.


Like being confined to a cubicle that hampers outside influence, monotony can gradually stifle your creativity.


Circumstances evolve swiftly, rendering even the latest travel information unreliable.


Venture out and validate these claims firsthand.


Upon returning home, previous travel encounters can broaden your outlook, enhancing efficiency in scheduling, shedding old habits, confronting latent fears, and revealing suppressed facets of your personality.


While organized tours have their allure, independent travel instills skills applicable in your daily life.


The same barriers that hinder your travels may impede you from exploring new ventures and engaging with unfamiliar faces in your local community.


By confronting these fears, you can catalyze a transformative shift in your life.


If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. Flexibility and self-assurance are key attributes not only in travel but also in professional engagements and fostering strong interpersonal bonds.


By shattering constraints, a realm of uncharted possibilities beckons.


6. Inspiration and Creativity


Travel has long been a wellspring of inspiration for artists, writers, and creatives seeking new perspectives, fresh ideas, and novel experiences.


By immersing myself in diverse cultures, landscapes, and artistic traditions, I tap into a well of creativity, innovation, and imagination. It fuels my artistic endeavors and enriches my creative vision.


7. Nostalgia and Memory-Making


Travel is a tapestry of memories woven from the threads of moments shared, experiences cherished, and connections forged.


Whether savoring a sunset over a foreign skyline, bonding with fellow travelers over a shared adventure, or reliving the echoes of past journeys, travel creates indelible memories that etch themselves into the fabric of our lives, enriching our stories and shaping our identities.


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Common Reason Why Do People Travel: Final Thoughts


In the symphony of reasons why people love to travel, each note plays a unique melody that resonates with the desires, aspirations, and dreams of individuals seeking to explore, connect, and grow.


Whether driven by a thirst for adventure, a yearning for cultural discovery, or a quest for personal transformation, travelers embark on journeys that transcend the physical boundaries of place to venture into the boundless realm of possibility. Where every step taken leads to new horizons, new experiences, and new revelations.


There are numerous ways to explore the world, some of which won’t cost you a penny. Begin by selecting your destination and planning your activities there. Choose a suitable travel credit card and determine the best time to visit. If the idea of solo travel makes you anxious, consider inviting friends or companions along. For tropical destinations, ensure you are vaccinated.


Traveling doesn’t always require a hefty budget; sometimes, you can uncover remarkable experiences right in your own backyard. Here’s how I manage to afford my travels:

  • Start by meticulously planning your trip, including setting a travel budget;
  • Secure affordable airfare as your next step;
  • Look for budget-friendly accommodations;
  • Once these are sorted, pinpoint the attractions you wish to see and seek out free options to minimize expenses.


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