20 Lessons I’ve Learned From Traveling The World


I love learning new things and challenging myself. When I was considering a career change, I knew I should venture into something entirely different. Following this line of thinking, I embarked on my first solo trip. Like every inexperienced traveler, I had to navigate through various challenges. Had I known even a few of these 20 lessons I’ve learned from traveling the world, I could have saved a significant amount of money and time.


Despite never being one to sell everything and sever ties completely, I spent nearly three years working and living on the road. Returning home prompts reflection. Thus, I compiled a list of travel tips based on my personal experiences. Explore them below to help achieve your travel objectives and check off your favorite destinations from your bucket list.

1.  Test Your Travel Gear


This is one of the most important travel lessons you can learn from traveling abroad. Never embark on a trip without properly testing your gear and equipment. This includes gadgets, backpacks, travel adapters, and, surprisingly, a blindfold with earplugs.


Test each item to confirm functionality, durability, and suitability for your trip. Address any issues beforehand to prevent inconvenience during your travels. Remember, well-tested gear enhances your travel experience and minimizes unexpected challenges on the road.


I make sure to feel comfortable with all my items before traveling to a new destination.


2. Embrace Minimalist Travel and Pack Lightly

During a trip to Spain, I checked in a large suitcase, carried my backpack onto the plane, and packed them with what I thought I would need. Surprisingly, I ended up mostly wearing flip-flops, a T-shirt, and the same shorts. In colder climates, I tend to favor versatile clothing that can be layered for warmth.


20 Travel Tips I've Learned From Travelling The World


Through my years of travel experience, I’ve come to realize the importance of minimalism. Whether preparing for a two-week trip or creating a comprehensive multi-day hiking list, I’ve found that the lighter my backpack, the better. It’s reassuring to know that you can purchase nearly anything you require in most destinations around the globe.


3.  Take Your Time


Allow yourself the luxury of time when traveling. Rushing through destinations can lead to missed experiences and added stress.


Embrace a slower pace to truly immerse yourself in the local culture, savor unique moments, and create lasting memories.


Take your time to explore, engage with locals, and appreciate the beauty of each place you visit.


Resisting the temptation to try and see everything can be highly rewarding. If you find yourself with only three days in a location, consider spending your time exploring the local neighborhoods, observing people, and leisurely strolling through the streets.

This approach not only aids in understanding foreign cultures but also brings a smile to your wallet. By staying longer in a single destination, you can negotiate extended stays and significantly minimize your transportation expenses.


Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination itself.


4.  Wear flip-flops When Showering in A Dorm


While flip-flops typically don’t occupy much space and easily fit into your backpack, they can shield you from a fungus that thrives in warm, moist locations.


Whether you’re in a dorm shower, outdoor showers, or public restrooms, a simple pair of plastic flip-flops can safeguard your feet from harmful microbes.


Even when I’m hiking, I make sure to carry a dedicated pair of shower thongs.


5.  Improve Your Body Language


Do you believe that the best things in life come at no cost? Indeed, you can easily pick up essential phrases in the local language to ease communication with residents. However, the truth is that nonverbal communication, such as body language, holds far greater significance.


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Individuals are more likely to assist you if you approach situations with a sense of lightheartedness. A smile is a simple yet impactful gesture that can work wonders. It requires no expense to offer one, but as you begin doing so, you’ll understand the remarkable power behind this action.

6.  Pay Your Doctor a Visit Before You Go


Maintaining good health and fitness while traveling is crucial. Though there are potential risks of pre-existing conditions and allergic responses, I suggest consulting your doctor for a thorough checkup before your departure.


If you’ve experienced recent illness, discussing your health with a medical professional can assist in assessing the safety of traveling abroad and identifying any necessary vaccines for your journey.


7.  Avoid Exchanging Currency at the Airport


It’s common knowledge that purchasing currency at airports typically results in higher costs.


Changing money at the airport or train station is generally considered the least advantageous method for currency exchange.


travel tips


I have observed that fees can range from 10% to 25% on average.


Don’t be misled by appealing “no fee” promotions. The exchange rate is likely to be unfavorable, or the charges might be disguised under a different name.


8.  Indulge in Local Flavors

I’m not referring to consuming cockroaches and crickets. Honestly, I lack the courage to taste them. Nevertheless, I do relish exploring and sampling local cuisine.


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During my time in China, experimenting with new dishes was a key way to immerse myself in traditional Chinese culture, focusing on items like dumplings, noodles, and rice.


It’s not intimidating at all.


Actually, the more you try street food from local vendors, the more you’ll bolster your confidence in culinary adventures.


9.  Get Off the Beaten Path


Another lesson I’ve learned from traveling abroad and you’ve probably heard it a thousand times. Do you know that finding a place off the tourist trail is a lot more easier than it sounds?


Oftentimes people are looking for something completely different even when traveling to popular sites.


There are plenty of hidden gems in Europe and the United States, so you don’t have to go to remote areas to experience something new.


You should only figure out what kind of experience you are looking for.


10. We Are All Equal as Human Beings


The illusion that the grass is always greener elsewhere often blinds us. Despite our differences, our fundamental desires remain remarkably alike.


At the core, everyone seeks happiness, tranquility, and a feeling of security.


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I’ve encountered many individuals who grapple with uncertainty about their life’s path, feeling adrift and unsure of their identities.


Don’t let others dictate the course of your life. Instead, shape your decisions according to your personal truths and convictions.

11. Stay Hydrated During Long-Haul Flights


This is one of the most important lessons I learned from traveling and it should top your travel list.


Water is the essential nutrient that aids in combating jet lag post a long-haul flight. Maintaining proper hydration is crucial as severe dehydration can lead to low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and intense thirst.


Strive to consume a minimum of five glasses of plain water daily starting two days before your flight.


12.  Ask About the Price Before You Ride


One essential lesson learned from traveling is to inquire about the fare upfront before hopping into a taxi or any mode of transportation.


This simple practice can save you from unexpected surprises or hefty charges at the end of your journey. The small mistake I made in Vietnam when I was in a hurry cost me an extra $10. That was a valuable lesson.


By clarifying the cost beforehand, you can ensure a smoother and more transparent travel experience, allowing you to budget effectively and avoid unnecessary financial stress.


13.  Use Good Security When Using Public Wi-Fi


With numerous free Wi-Fi hotspots in public areas, it can be tempting to connect to them. However, not all public Wi-Fi networks are equally secure.


I avoid using free Wi-Fi at airports when logging into bank accounts or entering passwords.


To safeguard your data, opt for hotspots with passwords, commonly provided by most coffee shops and stores in the airport.


14. There is Still Much For You to Explore


It’s simple to become confined in our own perception of normalcy. Yet, your past encounters and accustomed routines make up only a fraction of the vast array of experiences this amazing world presents to us.


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Exploring a fresh destination has the power to expand our horizons, unveiling a universe of opportunities and reminding us that there is always more to discover.


Even if you consider yourself a seasoned traveler with vast life experiences, the depth of knowledge and understanding that exists remains limitless.


15. Capture More Selfies


It’s been nearly a decade since I left my typical job and journeyed through over 20 countries. Although I enjoy capturing stunning images of the destinations I explore, I never shifted from being the photographer to being the subject.


Consequently, I possess only about 150 photos of myself from around the globe. Don’t hesitate to request someone to take a picture of you or invest in a selfie stick.


Sure, they may seem odd, but what truly matters is that they lend a unique charm to your photos.


16. Embracing Change for the Better


Shifting your surroundings can be advantageous. Stepping away for a while, breaking out of our regular patterns and surroundings, reminds us to continue seeking new experiences upon our return. Even after the vacation ends, it’s vital to venture out occasionally and explore something novel.


Change can instill a sense of freedom and vitality. While trying something unfamiliar may initially evoke hesitation, it often leads to great enjoyment and memorable experiences.


17. Invest in Travel Insurance


One of the lessons I learned from traveling and definitely one of those things that you hope you never have to use.


Any trip abroad necessitates travel insurance, and I can’t stress enough the importance of purchasing it.


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I’ve heard numerous stories about injured travelers, stolen valuable gear, and hefty hospital bills, underlining the significance of acquiring adequate travel insurance.


I have relied on World Nomads insurance for some time now and am quite satisfied with their policy.


18. Do Your Own Research


Given the abundance of ‘off-the-beaten-path’ articles online, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.


Determine which destinations intrigue you the most. Beware of lists titled ‘places to visit before you die.’


While some suggestions are truly remarkable, others might lead you into tourist traps that drain your finances.


I enjoy discovering hidden gems that strike a balance between the cost of reaching them and my genuine interest in them.


19. Make the Most of Long Layovers


Long layovers, also known as stopovers, are opportunities to stop or visit a location on your way to your final destination.


When a flight passes through an airline’s hub city, you have the chance to extend your travel day and explore a new place for as long as the rules allow.


Explore the attractions I enjoyed during my three-day stopover in London.


20. Appreciate the Little Things


Traveling the world can be challenging.


Shortly after landing in Vietnam, I began yearning for simple comforts from back home, such as familiar food, my friends, and family.


I’m fortunate to have been born in Germany, a country known for its high standard of living in the EU. This allowed me to notice the disparity between privileged regions and the rest of the global population, a realization that deeply shocked me.

Traveling provided me with a fresh outlook on life. While adhering to fundamental values and cherishing significant moments can bring joy, I found focusing on these small details more rewarding. However, let me clarify – it’s all about finding happiness, not self-indulgence.


Final Thoughts on the Lessons I learned from Traveling the World


These are a few of the life lessons I’ve gathered during my extensive travels. While some may strike a chord with you, others might not be as relevant.


What truly matters is capturing your own insights, reflections, and observations from your journeys.


The more we contemplate our adventures, the more we can evolve. At least, that’s what I told by a wandering monk in India.


What are the key lessons you’ve discovered on your journeys? Share your thoughts in the comments below.