How To Afford To Travel More: 26 Smart Tips

For many people contemplating travel, the daunting question often arises: “How to afford traveling the world?” The yearning to explore new horizons exists, yet the means to actualize these aspirations may appear elusive.


I can empathize with this sentiment. Hailing from a major city in Saxony, I harbored a fervent desire to venture beyond familiar borders. However, financial constraints posed a significant hurdle, impeding my travel ambitions.


Determined to materialize my travel dreams, I embarked on a journey to figure out how to afford travel for myself, exploring innovative methods to augment my income. As well as curtail expenses, and allocate savings towards my wanderlust pursuits.


Fast forward to the present day, I find myself three months into a year-long world trip, a testament to the transformative power of diligent planning and unwavering dedication to one’s goals.


Contrary to misconceptions, my travel endeavors were not funded by a lottery windfall or ancestral wealth. Rather, through the diligent application of simple yet effective financial strategies, I gradually nurtured my dreams into reality.


And the best part? You too can replicate this journey towards realizing your travel aspirations.


Delve into the following top tips I’ve compiled on how to pave the path towards affordable and fulfilling travel experiences.


How To Afford To Travel More


How To Afford To Travel More: 26 Smart Tips


Acquire Travel Rewards Points


Acquiring reward points is one of the best ways to afford international travel. This is my favorite strategy that can also become yours if you handle credit cards responsibly.


Narrowing down the complex world of point accrual, start by obtaining a travel rewards credit card.


Through your routine expenditures like phone bills, groceries, or even a quick purchase at the corner store, amass valuable points that pave the way for complimentary flights, hotel stays, or dining experiences during your travels.


Moreover, numerous rewards cards entice newcomers with enticing sign-on bonuses, amplifying your point accumulation alongside your everyday spending.

By amalgamating these bonuses with regular transactions, watch as your points soar swiftly, granting you the luxury of being able to afford to travel more. Truly a win-win scenario!


Monetize Unused Possessions


Unearth the hidden treasure within your home—items that linger unnoticed or migrate from one corner to another.


Instead of maintaining this clutter, why not transform it into cash reserves for your dream escapade?


Platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Craigslist offer seamless avenues for second-hand sales.


Simply snap pictures, craft listings, and engage with potential buyers to relinquish unnecessary possessions.


Reap the dual benefits of pocketing extra cash while decluttering your living space, fostering a sense of liberation and financial empowerment.


Airbnb Hosting


To make travel affordable venture into the realm of Airbnb. This is an established platform enabling individuals to bypass costly hotels by renting homes or apartments directly.


Beyond being a traveler, wield this platform to augment your earnings on the side.


During my pursuit of a global odyssey, I capitalized on Airbnb by listing my downtown Dresden apartment for weekend rentals, while opting to stay at my partner’s place nearby.


This strategic move not only contributed to my savings but also aligned with my routine lifestyle.


A small investment in extra bedding and regular housekeeping upkeep was all it took.


With a clean, welcoming space, I observed a steady influx of additional income. It eased my financial goals while embracing a seamless path towards achieving my travel goal.


How can I afford to see the world

Engage in a Side Gig


In our contemporary world, the landscape of earning extra income through side hustles has undergone a revolutionary transformation.


The beauty lies in the flexibility these avenues offer, permitting individuals to dictate their hours and tailor their workload to align with their unique schedules.


Consider stepping into the realm of ride-sharing as an Uber driver. Or venture into the realm of canine companionship with Wag walker duties.


Alternatively, explore the realm of deliveries through diverse platforms such as Postmates or Amazon. The array of opportunities available truly knows no bounds.


Each of these avenues presents an exceptional opportunity to bolster your earnings. These options enable you to channel supplementary funds directly into your savings, propelling you closer to financial goals.


Embrace a Second Job


How can so many Japenese afford to travel? In the pursuit of substantial financial objectives, the notion of acquiring a second job—albeit temporarily—often serve them as a viable strategy.


The diverse pool of options allows for flexibility and adaptability, catering to varying preferences and seasonal demands.

Seasonal roles like retail positions or grading state standardized tests present themselves as lucrative options based on the time of year.


I have delved into both realms.


Yet, the spectrum of opportunities transcends seasonal constraints, with part-time roles in serving or bartending remaining viable throughout the year.


Where there’s a desire, avenues for supplemental income are unfailingly vast.


Taking photos near the Western Wall


How Can I Afford to Travel the World – Reduce Your Expenses


Opt for Home-Cooked Meals Over Dining Out


For those who seldom venture into the kitchen, embracing home cooking can be a pivotal strategy in funding your travel aspirations.


Did you know that the average American household spends nearly $3,000 annually on dining out? A staggering figure indeed!


Conversely, the cost of an average home-cooked meal hovers around $10 to $20 or more.


While occasional dining out for social engagements is enjoyable, prioritizing home-cooked meals can significantly bolster your travel budget.


Cut Expenses That Are Destroying Your Travel Budget


In the pursuit of realizing your travel dreams, a willingness to make certain sacrifices is paramount.


This does not entail compromising on essentials like food or home comfort but rather scrutinizing and curtailing extraneous expenses.


For instance, relinquishing luxuries such as a monthly massage membership or premium subscription services can generate substantial monthly savings.


Opting to brew your morning coffee at home rather than indulging in pricey Starbucks beverages. The same way, transition from cable services to cost-effective streaming platforms can yield significant financial dividends over time.


Optimize by Combining Expenses


Being able to afford to travel the world full time requires some dedication. Exploring avenues to amalgamate and streamline expenses can yield substantial monetary benefits, contingent on your individual circumstances.


Collaborating with a partner to combine expenses relating to car insurance, cell phone bills, gym memberships, or rent can culminate in noteworthy monthly savings.


Addressing the significant expense of rent, especially in cities with exorbitant living costs, necessitates proactive measures.


Sharing living spaces with roommates or consolidating households can dramatically reduce monthly rent outlays. It can potentially amount to substantial savings running into thousands.

Reflecting on personal experience, bidding farewell to a one-bedroom apartment in exchange for shared accommodation with roommates heralded monthly savings exceeding $1,500.


Indeed, the living situation may not have been ideal. But the accrued savings proved immensely rewarding, underscoring the significance of optimizing expenses for your travel ambitions.


My lunch in Thailand

How To Stop Procrastinating When Trip Planning


How to Make Traveling Affordable – Save up


Accumulate the Gap: Strategically Save for Your Travel Goals


It’s time to bridge the divide between your earnings and expenditures.


Previously, we discussed methods to boost your income and curtail your expenses, thereby widening the financial gap at your disposal.


Now, you possess a greater margin to work with!


You could allocate this surplus towards indulgent meals, social outings, or entertainment tickets. But in the real world, these luxuries may not pave the path to embarking on transformative travel experiences abroad.


Balancing the pursuit of your travel dreams with present enjoyment necessitates strategic financial planning.


I recommend prioritizing the accumulation of as much of this surplus as feasible each month.


By steadfastly directing a substantial portion of this surplus towards savings, you steadily inch closer to realizing your next travel escapade.


In 2020 alone, I bolstered my savings by over 128% employing these very strategies. This feat is attainable!


Granted, individual outcomes will vary contingent on an array of factors, yet the crux remains clear. By embracing some sacrifices and augmenting your savings, your financial prospects burgeon in tandem.


Harness High-Yield Savings Vehicles


Having navigated the arduous stages of income enhancement and expense reduction while diligently accumulating savings, the final piece of the puzzle lies in leveraging high-yield savings instruments to optimize your financial growth.


Refrain from depositing your hard-earned surplus into lackluster savings accounts offering negligible returns.


Instead, maximize the earning potential of your funds by embracing high-yield savings avenues that amplify your interest earnings.


By entrusting your surplus to a high-yield savings account, you can capitalize on enhanced interest rates. Those can facilitate the realization of your financial objectives with unparalleled efficiency.


Me enjoying the sun of Arabia

20 Travel Tips I’ve Learned From Travelling The World

How to Afford Frequent Travel – Persist in Saving While Traveling


Strategize Ahead for Optimal Travel Planning


Engaging in meticulous preparation well in advance proves advantageous across various dimensions.


Firstly, extended planning periods provide ample time for financial preparation, allowing you to bolster your savings.


Secondly, proactive planning often results in securing better deals, whether through favorable pricing or enhanced points redemptions.


Reflecting on my personal experience, it took approximately 16 months of deliberate planning and groundwork from the moment I committed to embarking on a global adventure until I set off.


Despite a few delays in my initial departure, the additional time proved invaluable.


It afforded me the opportunity to bolster my financial reserves, fortify my savings, and capitalize on more favorable rates.


The significance of adequate preparation time cannot be overstated.


Leverage Your Travel Rewards Points


Recall the earlier discussion on optimizing your spending to accumulate travel rewards points?


Now is the opportune moment to reap the rewards of your strategic financial management.


Utilize your accumulated points to secure complimentary flights and accommodations, relishing the convenience of not having to bear these expenses.


By judiciously leveraging my accrued points bank, I managed to save a substantial $9,000 in flight and lodging expenses over the course of my 7-month voyage.

The impact of utilizing these points cannot be understated. It is a game-changer!


Opt for Off-Season Travel


Exploring destinations during off-peak seasons presents a multitude of advantages.


Apart from potentially lower costs, traveling during quieter periods can translate to reduced accommodation rates and more affordable transportation fares.


By aligning your travel plans with off-peak periods, you can circumvent exorbitant prices. And relish a more budget-friendly exploration experience.


Choose Budget-Friendly Destinations


While the allure of Western Europe is undeniable, the region’s relatively high costs may pose financial challenges for travelers.


Consider diversifying your itinerary by incorporating budget-friendly destinations in South and Central America, Southeast Asia, or Eastern Europe.


Not only do these locales offer cost-effective travel options, but they also present the opportunity to explore uncharted territories. And novel cultural experiences without breaking the bank.


Strategize your travel plans well in advance, leverage rewards points, opt for off-season exploration, and select budget-friendly destinations.


By doing these things you can optimize your travel experiences and become one of those people who can afford to travel international so often.


Embrace a Leisurely Travel Pace


The essence of leisurely travel rests on a straightforward principle: recalibrating your journey to a more unhurried tempo.


Constantly zigzagging from one location to another within short intervals inevitably inflates your overall transportation expenses.


This frenetic pace necessitates frequent flights, bus journeys, or train rides to traverse varying points on your itinerary.


Conversely, by embracing a more measured travel cadence, you can make substantial savings on transportation outlays.


Furthermore, opting for an unhurried approach can often unlock discounts when utilizing Airbnb accommodations for extended stays.


I once secured a remarkable 26% discount by capitalizing on this strategy.


While the benefits of slow travel extend beyond monetary gains, it’s essential to underscore the intrinsic value of immersing yourself in a destination.


Traveling at a more relaxed pace affords you the opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of a place. It allows to transcend clichéd tourist attractions to unearth authentic local experiences.


Opt for Airbnb


Building upon our earlier discussion, Airbnb emerges as a cost-effective alternative that enables you to stretch your travel budget further.


How to afford extensive travel? By leveraging Airbnb listings, you can discover exceptional accommodations at a fraction of the price charged by conventional hotels.


Moreover, Airbnb offerings often provide a superior value proposition, offering spacious apartments with fully equipped kitchens and living areas. Those are contrasting markedly with the confined spaces characteristic of standard hotel rooms.


Fortuitously, my Airbnb experiences have occasionally transcended mere accommodation.


Renting properties within apartment complexes not only furnished me with a comfortable living space but also granted access to additional amenities such as gyms or pools, enhancing the overall travel experience.


This symbiotic blend of affordability and enhanced comfort underscores the manifold advantages of opting for Airbnb accommodations during your travels.


Opt for Hostels for Short Stays


The decision to choose hostels, either intermittently or as a primary lodging option, hinges upon your unique travel preferences.


I’ve reached a point where I prefer more personal space and amenities, steering me away from hostel stays for extended periods.


Nevertheless, for brief stopovers lasting a night or two, hostels present a viable option to economize and allocate your travel funds judiciously.


Hostels not only offer cost-effective accommodations but also serve as vibrant hubs for mingling with fellow travelers.


Particularly for solo adventurers. The social aspect of hostels provides an invaluable opportunity to forge connections and share memorable experiences with like-minded individuals. A priceless benefit that transcends monetary considerations.


Explore the World of Housesitting


Curious about housesitting and its potential to enhance your travel affordability?


Picture this scenario: you plan a vacation but grapple with the dilemma of who will care for your pets or plants in your absence.


While fortunate souls may rely on accommodating friends or family, many find themselves seeking alternative solutions.


Want to know how do college students afford to travel?


Enter housesitting. An ingenious arrangement that caters to both travelers seeking budget-friendly accommodations and homeowners in need of pet care during their absence.


Housesitting epitomizes a mutually beneficial agreement, where you lend a helping hand in exchange for complimentary lodging.


Platforms like TrustedHousesitters facilitate these arrangements, ensuring a secure environment for both parties involved.


Through a simple registration process, completion of background verifications, and profile setup, you gain access to a plethora of housesitting opportunities tailored to your travel preferences.


Upon discovering a suitable housesit, communication with the homeowner ensues to discern compatibility.

If mutual agreement is reached, you unlock the door to a cost-free stay replete with essential amenities like utilities and WiFi. Plus, the potential bonus of forming a bond with a cherished furry companion.


Reflecting on my housesitting escapades, one standout memory was the delightful week I spent in Rio de Janeiro, caring for a lovable cat.


This fulfilling experience not only enriched my travels but also enabled me to save a substantial $790 by bypassing traditional hotel bookings.


Embrace the world of housesitting and embark on memorable journeys enriched by unforgettable encounters and financial savings.


Trim Ground Transportation Costs Effectively


When we mention “on the ground” transportation costs, we’re referring to expenses incurred once you’ve arrived at your destination. These costs can accumulate depending on your travel style, but fear not—with a few adjustments, you can optimize your spending in this area.


Embrace Alternative Modes of Transport


1. Walk Instead of Hail Cabs


Opt for strolling to your destinations rather than resorting to costly cabs or Ubers.


This not only saves you money but also provides an opportunity for exercise and a deeper exploration of the city.


2. Utilize Local Buses


Consider taking advantage of local bus services as a budget-friendly intermediate option between walking and cab rides.


Besides the cost efficiency, you might strike up conversations with locals, gaining invaluable insights and tips about the area.


Road Trip Considerations


For road trip enthusiasts, managing on-the-ground expenses entails a unique approach.


Explore tailored tips on curbing costs during road trips, encompassing advice on campgrounds, parking, fuel savings, and other pertinent factors.


Save Money on Food


1. Cook During Your Travels


While dining out can be a delightful experience, it often comes with a hefty price tag.


Opting to purchase groceries and prepare some meals while traveling can lead to substantial savings.


Even incorporating this practice partially—such as preparing breakfasts and lunches sporadically—can yield significant cumulative savings.


2. Leverage Accommodation Facilities


Selecting accommodation options like Airbnb or hostels increases the likelihood of having access to kitchen facilities. It enables you to maximize culinary savings through self-prepared meals.


Unlock Free Meal Opportunities


Once you attain frequent traveler status, a world of complimentary dining experiences opens up during your journeys.


Many hotels extend exclusive club lounge privileges to frequent guests, offering complimentary breakfast spreads, hors d’oeuvres, snacks, and beverages.


Additionally, select credit cards provide access to airport lounges, which often boast a generous array of complimentary food and beverage options.


Benefiting from free meals not only alleviates your budgetary concerns but also enhances your overall travel experience.


Such meals eliminate the need to allocate funds toward dining expenses.


Explore these cost-saving avenues and savor the allure of complimentary dining perks during your travels.


Embrace Cost-Free Experiences


Unlocking the potential of complimentary activities stands as a paramount approach to expanding your travel horizons affordably.


When an activity comes at no cost, it exerts no strain on your budget, allowing you to relish diverse experiences without fiscal constraints.


Consider the plethora of free offerings available in your destination throughout the year—undoubtedly a treasure trove awaiting exploration!


Extend this frugal mindset to your travels, seizing opportunities to engage in similar cost-free activities.


Many destinations boast complimentary walking tours and seasonal festivals, granting you a window into local customs and landscapes. At the same time, they trim your expenses.


By immersing yourself in these no-cost experiences, you not only save money but also delve deeper into the authentic essence of the places you visit.


Riding a bus to Riga


How Do Travel Bloggers Afford To Travel


Embracing this opportunity, I aim to elucidate how I and many other travel bloggers afford to travel.


While travel remains an enduring passion, it has seamlessly integrated into my professional life.


The realm of content creation intertwines with my travel adventures, rendering many of my trips as indispensable components of my business pursuits today.


My trips are often intricately linked to client engagements.


I travel to various locales for tasks such as crafting promotional videos for hotels or composing compelling copy for hospitality websites.


Additionally, destinations extend invitations for press trips, granting me the chance to acclimate to the locale and subsequently amplify its allure through my creative endeavors.


Yet, client collaborations constitute just one facet of my travel narrative.


At its core, I traverse the globe due to an intrinsic passion for exploration.


Each trip not only satiates this ardor but also serves as fodder for enlightening narratives shared with my cherished readers and viewers.


So, the next time you ponder how do bloggers afford to travel, consider this: your unwavering support and appreciation are the bedrock of my endeavors.


Your loyal readership propels me forward, shaping my travel chronicles into captivating tales for you to relish.


Navigating this website plays a pivotal role in nurturing its evolution into a thriving online venture.


Making purchases or reserving accommodations and experiences through my affiliate links provides the impetus for me to perpetuate what I cherish most – traveling, narrating, and capturing moments through photography.


For this unwavering support, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, my esteemed audience, for igniting the flame that fuels my creative journey.


Final Thoughts on How to Make Travel Affordable


That encapsulates my not-so-secret recipe for making global travel a feasible reality.


These strategies are accessible to all and can pave the way for enriching journeys without breaking the bank.


Share your go-to methods for financing your travels in the comments below. Your insights might just enhance my own travel affordability playbook.



  • I agree – you need to prioritize it if you love it! I also do things like eating local to save money and watch the price of hotels/accommodations to consciously budget!

    29/01/2018 at 5:19 am
  • I had never thought about sticking with cheap countries. That is a great tip! We were in Paris and never realized how expensive it was to eat out there! Wow! We went way over budget just in that category.

    29/01/2018 at 10:31 pm
  • This is inspiring. I do agree with sticking with affordable countries especially when travelling on a budget as this is the most economical way possible.

    30/01/2018 at 12:31 am
  • Cool! I have kind of the same style of travelling and exploring the world! There is no need to do expensive thing, just stick to cheap ones! 🙂 Thanks!

    30/01/2018 at 8:06 pm
  • Perfectly said. .. totally agree

    31/01/2018 at 4:06 am
  • Sofia Prentou


    You make me want to jump in a plane to Vietnam or Thailand! I’ve heard so many beautiful stories about them! Very inspiring!

    31/01/2018 at 12:54 pm
  • Really good article hostels are savours and when money is low I stay with people in more rooms. Affordable countries really does make all the difference. I agree about forking to, I taught English in Spain!

    31/01/2018 at 1:11 pm
  • Great read! I never thought about these before!

    31/01/2018 at 1:15 pm
  • Nice post and interesting photos..

    31/01/2018 at 1:33 pm
  • Neil Alvin Nicerio


    You should visit the Philippines. When you’re in the metro you can ride a Jeepney which costs only around 8 peso or just around 10 cents or less In dollars

    31/01/2018 at 2:59 pm
  • Very interesting blog! And yes the post is interesting as well! Eat like a local is true and one gets to experience the local culture in a culinary way:)

    31/01/2018 at 3:38 pm
  • This was very helpful, as I want to travel more this year with my boyfriend on a lower budget.
    Thanks for this post, man ! 🙂

    31/01/2018 at 3:45 pm
  • Love this post. And now that I have no young children any more, I might just be in the same hostel as you one day! Thanks for explaining how things work.

    31/01/2018 at 8:30 pm
  • Dead on! But i love google and researching my trips so much! It’s like the thrill of the hunt! But as a thrifty travel blogger myself, nearly everything here has been something of value that I’ve thought over since opening my blog. It feels validating!!

    01/02/2018 at 2:31 am
  • Thank You so much. I want to travel this year with my girlfriend with the lower budget.
    i want more post from you

    01/02/2018 at 3:14 pm
  • SO, So true! When people ask me how I can afford to travel so much, I generally want to say everything you’ve just said! Thank you for this post!

    01/02/2018 at 7:24 pm
  • 100% – I lived four years abroad and traveled 50% of it and I did it while attending school, on a college student budget by following every bit of advice you’ve mentioned above. Cannot stress it enough but traveling is a very realistic and obtainable dream, folks! Just be mindful with your money 🙂 and do the research because you visit a place and -hello- social media is a godsend (in very select cases) for connecting with people from that country. I have done it many times and explored Macedonia, Switzerland and Slovakia by connecting with folks on social media.
    Cheers, Jess ||

    21/03/2018 at 4:06 am

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